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How to be a healthier you

Skrivet:    ·  Body, Generally, Workout & Health plan

It is that time of year where everyone is busy and things are a bit chaotic. Trying to figure out your routine and health regimens can be tricky with the changes that start with back-to-school, etc. It is important to understand what a healthy lifestyle consists of and the benefits of certain lifestyle choices. That being said, it is important to stay focused on these five areas; fitness, diet, sleep, restfulness and motivation.

Fitness is important because it can allow you to accomplish a variety of goals. Whether your goal is to reach your dream body, build muscle, tone or improve overall health or endurance, it is important to stay dedicated. I went through a period of time where I would completely blow off exercising, and I started to see the consequences- emotionally and physically. Exercise is an excellent method to de-stress and boost your mood and self-esteem. Aside from that, it obviously has lots of physical benefits as well. The best way to begin your fitness journey is to create a plan and to start gradually. Don’t expect to sprint four miles right away…gradually build on your goals until you reach where you want to be. In addition to this, making a plan that is practical is also very helpful. Allow your plan to fit into your schedule- that way there is no excuse to skip your daily routine!

I recommend combining cardio along with strength and muscle toning workouts. At least once or twice a week I find it refreshing to do a shorter, more high intensity workout. Try tracking your progress in a way that you see fit, so that you can stay motivated and know that your hard work is paying off. Of course, don’t forget to give yourself an occasional break if you really need it. Depending on your goals, I might even recommend selecting one day a week to have as your day off. Remember, fitness should not be a temporary thing, it is a lifestyle choice, so one day off every seven days may even be beneficial.

One of the most important aspects of health is what you choose to put into your body. Understanding the value of nutrition and diet choices is vital to achieving a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips regarding diet:

Meal and snack times - To an extent, having set meal times is helpful, so that your body can figure out its routine. I recommend a protein-packed breakfast to kick-start your metabolism, a late morning snack, small lunch, late afternoon snack, dinner, and an optional healthy dessert. Avoid eating past 7:30/8:00pm, as in the night, your body has a harder time breaking down the food and burning calories.

Binging/heavy restriction - A while back, I realized that I had an issue with binging. I would deprive myself of treats for days and then binge eat the foods that I would crave. This left me feeling unhealthy and I noticed a difference in my body that I was not happy with. DO NOT completely deprive yourself of everything because it will backfire in the form of binging. Limit unhealthy foods, but do not 100% deprive yourself.

Think of it as an overall lifestyle - My rule is 90% healthy, 10% what I want to eat. Understanding that as long as you are providing your body with the nutrients it needs, and overall eating clean, you are doing what you should be!

Fad diets - Fad diets can backfire. Be careful- no military diets or extreme calorie restriction. Give your body what it needs! Before you start any diety, always do enough research.

Journaling - Some find it very helpful to keep a food journal to keep track of what they eat or sometimes to track calories. Try this if you think it will help.

Craving hacks - Figure out foods that tackle your cravings for unhealthy foods. For example, if I am ever craving ice cream, I make a smoothie bowl instead. The natural fruit sugars combined with the texture and temperature of the smoothie bowl satisfy the ice cream craving!

Calorie caution - It is good to be aware of calories based on your individual needs. But there is no need to obsess. If you go a bit over, don’t worry about it. Never go to extremes with cutting back calories; it can mess up your metabolism and isn’t good for your body.

Drinks - Remember that some drinks are fatty, sugary, or have a lot of calories…so always remember to account for that salted caramel mocha if you drink coffee/other drinks!

Another important aspect of being a balanced and healthy person is catching your zzz’s! Sleep is not something to skip out on or ignore. Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is vital to keeping up your energy levels during the day. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t catch up on sleep- so try your best to make each night count. Try to aim for 7-9 hours per night. Sleep is great for helping your ability to focus, stress management, energy levels, and even your complexion!

While it is good to stay busy and motivated, remember to provide time for yourself to unwind and de-stress. Our lives can get so hectic that we forget to have time to ourselves! Whether this means reading a book, doing yoga, going on Tumblr, watching a movie, or cuddling with your dog; do something positive that is relaxing and you enjoy! Turn on some cheerful music and try to forget about anything that might be causing you anxiety (tip: try to save an hour a night/day where you do not go on social media! Make time for you.)

The most important question: how do I stay motivated? I still struggle with this sometimes, but setting goals and updating those goals truly makes things easier. Track your progress and know that you are capable of anything! Implement these tips into your daily routine and you’ll reach your health goals in no time. Best of luck, and know that you and I will learn something new each day!

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