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School Organisation

Skrivet:    ·  Generally, Other

Organisation is the key to success. Being a little more organised will transform your school experience. It will save you from avoidable stress and motivate you as you meet deadlines and pass with flying colours.

1. Use a planner - I find it easier committing to physical planners as opposed to digital ones, but that’s just a personal preference. Writing things down can help you remember them, and having all of your dates and deadlines in one place isn’t a bad idea. There are many types to choose from - most commonly available, as well as very useful, are the ‘page a day’ or weekly spread type of planners. 

2. Set yourself reminders - This is where our phone or tablet come in handy. Set yourself reminders of when your homework or assignment is due; not just one however, but a few. Have it so that an alert will pop up a week before, a few days before, and the night before. That way, you’re less likely to forget!

3. Utilise a desk planner - These are amazing to plan out your entire week and have it in plain sight. With many designs to choose from, it also acts as a decor piece for your desk. Take off the week’s sheet once it’s over to reveal a new one. They’re pretty inexpensive and will last you the entire academic year!

4. Keep a pin board in your room - Probably the most common way to remember information. It’s also nice to decorate with photographs and fun things, but be careful not to over do it or your important bits will camouflage!

5. To-do lists - There’s something exciting about ticking or crossing off items on a to-do list. Set yourself little goals and be as precise as possible with what you want to study. That way, you’ll cover depth as well as breadth which is crucial for getting those top marks. 

Other tips:

✎ Have print-outs of your daily timetable where it’s visible e.g. at the front of your folder or stuck in your planner. 
✎ Keep a folder with old handouts, feedback sheets and other miscellaneous things so you have them all in one place if you ever need to refer back to them during the semester. 
✎ Be one step ahead of the game; read on topics before lessons if possible to make the class work more manageable. Also read afterwards, to consolidate that information.
