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Surviving The Cold With Style

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Sniffles and snotty balls of tissues are not a cute look. Here in sweden, the cold came without a single warning, topped with the first gloomy rain of the season. Brr. 

I find this time of the year hardest for dressing weather-appropriate. This is the awkward gap between really hot and really cold, and each morning you have to question whether you will freeze to death in that thin-knitted sweater, or sweat buckets into your new boots. Unless you dress strategically, you will end up with a red nose and a cold that will trail on till the end of the year. That being said, I am here to impart a few pieces of wisdom I have learned throughout the years to stay in style and healthy this winter. 

1. Layer. 

I like choosing cozy cardigans or coats and leaving big sweaters for when it gets really cold. With unpredictable weather, it’s so important not to over-heat while having the option to bundle up if you need to.

2. Know your schedule.

This is the time of the year when the nights can get significantly colder than the days. Even if it’s sunny and warm as you leave the house, take an extra scarf if you’re staying out late!

3. Boost your immune system
Colds are so annoying to get over, but preventing them can be much easier. If you tend to get sick every year, assert your dominance of your immune system by taking extra cautionary steps! Load up on Vitamin C (EmergenC in America or Lemsip in the UK) before it’s too late. Another easy way to boost your immune system is to practice good hygiene. Don’t touch your face!

4. Hydrate
Staying hydrated is probably the best way to not get sick. Every cold begins with a dry sore throat, and waking up with that burning feeling is never a good way to start the day. Always carry a bottle of water with you - your body and your skin will thank you later.

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