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Decorate your space

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I believe that it is important to personalise your space, as this is where most of us spend our time studying, thinking, and relaxing. Here are a few simple ideas on ways you can decorate your space without the cluttered feeling. 

1. Wall stickers made of vinyl are an easy way to add dimension to plain painted walls. They’re long-lasting, and do not leave any residue if you decide to remove or replace it later on. The choices of designs are endless!

2. Fairy lights can add a special something to your room without cluttering your area. You could opt for the simple bulbs for a minimal look, or more decorative versions. Be creative about the placement. Will it be climbing across your wall or lay twisted around your vanity?

3. Mirrors give an illusion of a larger room because they reflect light and open up the space. There are plenty of beautiful mirrors that you could fix on your wall, rather than using up your floor space for a free-standing one. That’s three functions in one; decor, space-enhancer and well, a mirror.

4. Plants/flowers provide colour and life to an otherwise tame room. Faux versions are a great alternative if on a tight budget. If however, you want something real with a longer life, consider cacti, orchids or bonsai! They can be difficult to take care of so do keep that in mind. For some, this challenge can be exciting and you have a little something to be proud of sitting on your desk.

5. Photographs and artwork deserve to be displayed. Surround yourself with happy memories and things that make you smile. Don’t be afraid to even frame your achievements. When you may be at a low point, these will surely remind you that you’re loved and gifted.

I hope you have found some inspiration!
